How to Reduce Spam Email

Michael Murray
Founder/Creative Director
Bailiwick Marketing

Feb 10, 2018

(Updated: Oct, 2024)

Spam email — also called junk mail or spam mail — refers to unsolicited messages sent in bulk to many different email addresses. Most spam appears in the way of relatively harmless emails from advertisers. But spam is also a low-risk, high-reward method for scammers to unleash phishing attacks.

Just opening a spam email can result in getting even more spam, and clicking a malicious link or attachment can expose you to ransomware or other types of malware, such as the Emotet botnet that spreads from inbox to inbox.


5 tips on how to help reduce spam

1.) Limit the places where you post your e-mail address

Be cautious about posting your e-mail address on public Web sites, such as newsgroups, chat rooms, bulletin boards, and so forth. When visiting public sites, you might want to use an e-mail address that is different from your main e-mail address. Remove your e-mail address from your personal Web site. Whenever you list or link to your e-mail address, you increase your chances of being spammed.

2.) Review the privacy policies of Web sites    

When you sign up for online banking, shopping, or newsletters, review the privacy policy of the site carefully before you reveal your e-mail address or other personal information. Look for a link or section (usually at the bottom of the Web site’s home page) called “Privacy Statement,” “Privacy Policy,” “Terms and Conditions,” or “Terms of Use.” If the Web site does not explain how your personal information will be used, consider not using the services at that site.

3.) Watch out for check boxes that are already selected    

When you shop online, companies sometimes add a check box that is already selected, which indicates that it is fine with you if the company sells or gives your e-mail address to other businesses (or “third parties”). Clear this check box so that your e-mail address is not shared.

4.) Don’t reply to spam    

Never reply to an e-mail message — not even to unsubscribe from a mailing list — unless you know and trust the sender, such as when the e-mail message comes from a service, an online store, or newsletter that you have signed up with. Answering spam just confirms to the spammer that your e-mail address is an active one.

5.) Don’t forward chain e-mail messages

Besides increasing overall e-mail volume, by forwarding a chain e-mail message you might be furthering a hoax — and meanwhile, you lose control over who sees your e-mail address.

If you follow these guidelines and carefully guard how you use your email, these tips should help reduce those annoying spam emails.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

We’re here to help.

~ Michael Murray
Bailiwick Marketing

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